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Ford Taunus: boeken - historie, modellen en techniek

Een boek over de Ford Taunus 12M, 15M, 17M, 20M of 26M? Hier vindt U boeken over de historie en techniek van Ford personenwagens.

Ford Taunus, de la 12 M à la 26M - La légendaire robustesse (Top Model)

Dit Franse boek, zeer goed gedocumenteerd en voorzien van prachtige illustraties, vertelt het complete verhaal van de Ford Taunus. Het beschrijft gedetailleerd de evolutie en technische veranderingen van deze uitzonderlijke Ford serie, vanaf de viercilinder 12M tot de luxueuze 26M met V6-motor.

Bladzijden uit het boek Ford Taunus, de la 12 M a la 26 M (1)

Auteur:Frank Rousset
Uitvoering:192 blz, 29 x 24 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:482 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:ETAI (F, 2013)
Serie:Top Model
Boek: Ford Taunus, de la 12 M à la 26M - La légendaire robustesse (Top Model)

Ford Taunus, de la 12 M à la 26M - La légendaire robustesse

Taal: Frans

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Ford Taunus Story: Alle Generationen seit 1945 - Buckel, Knudsen & Co

Die Geschichte der ?Großen Ford? geht weiter: Alexander F. Storz beschreibt in diesem Band detailreich die Ford-Typen der Taunus-Epoche. Fachkundig ordnet er ?Buckeltaunus?, ?Badewanne?, ?Knudsen-Taunus? & Co. historisch und soziologisch in die Nachkriegsmobilität Westdeutschlands ein.

Bladzijden uit het boek Ford Taunus Story: Alle Generationen seit 1945 (1)

Die vielseitige Evolution der einzelnen Modellreihen wird durch profunde sowie unterhaltsame Texte und technische Tabellen abgerundet.
Schwerpunkt in diesem Werk bilden Fahrzeuge am Rande der Großserien, Sonderkarosserien mit und ohne Dach, mit Blaulicht und Palmwedel. Zeitgenössische Aufnahmen, Presse- und Privatfotos ergänzen das Werk.

Auteur:Alexander F. Storz
Uitvoering:208 blz, 27 x 23.5 x 1.8 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:353 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Boek: Ford Taunus Story: Alle Generationen seit 1945 - Buckel, Knudsen & Co

Ford Taunus Story: Alle Generationen seit 1945 - Buckel, Knudsen & Co

Taal: Duits

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Neuanfang bei Ford: Taunus, 12 M und 15 M (1948-1962)

When Ford Germany resumed production in October 1948 in the half-destroyed Cologne plant, there was just one single passenger car model: the Ur-Taunus from 1939, which continued to be built more or less unchanged and had only a few technical innovations. Because of its distinctive body shape, it was popularly known as the "humpback".

In January 1952 it was replaced by the Taunus 12 M, a car designed by Ford in the USA and - except for the radiator grille - adopted by the German headquarters. The distinctive globe in the front section gave it its nickname.

Then came the 15 M, a fully equipped vehicle that caused a sensation, especially in the de Luxe version with the chromed shark's mouth, but it had only a short life.
The 12 M, on the other hand, was built by Ford for ten years, and towards the end of the production cycle it was given a wide side stripe that later caused this model to go down in German automobile history as the "Striped" Taunus.

Bernd Tuchen, Ford employee from 1973 to 2009, has already published several books about Ford.

Auteur:Bernd Tuchen
Uitvoering:89 blz, 29.5 x 20.5 x 1 cm, softcover
Uitgever:Shaker Media (DE, 2015)
Boek: Neuanfang bei Ford: Taunus, 12 M und 15 M (1948-1962)

Neuanfang bei Ford: Taunus, 12 M und 15 M (1948-1962)

Taal: Duits

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Ford Taunus 12M / 15M

"Weltkugeltaunus", "Streifentaunus" and other nicknames were attached to the 12M and 15M mid-range cars, which were the first Cologne post-war production, called "G13" and "G4B" in the factory.
It was a car that enjoyed great popularity, a "poem of steel".

However, this book aims to describe the fact that a car in this era, in the age of reconstruction and the economic miracle, was far more important than it is today. Illustrated with numerous drawings and photos from the magazine "Ford Revue", it describes the origin, development and production of the Ford Taunus.

Text in German.

Auteur:Jürgen Menges
Uitvoering:124 blz, 21.5 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd
Uitgever:CreateSpace (USA, 2015)
Boek: Ford Taunus 12M / 15M

Ford Taunus 12M / 15M

Taal: Engels

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Ford Taunus 12M P4: Wie aus einem „Cardinal“ ein Taunus wurde

Developed in America under the code name "Cardinal", it was dropped from production there and instead pushed onto the German branch, which then produced 680,206 vehicles of the new type. This is how the history of the Ford Taunus 12M P4 can be described in one sentence.

Actually, the "Cardinal" was also to be produced in the USA, but then the US management decided to have the car built exclusively in Cologne. However, since Ford had considerably more development capacity available in the USA than in Cologne, it was decided to push ahead with development in America. Perhaps it also played a role that Ford USA - just 15 years after the end of the Second World War - did not yet trust its German offshoot with such complex vehicle development.

The development of the "Cardinal" began in Dearborn. But the Americans did not want to do without the help of their German colleagues from Cologne. For them, there were simply too many aspects that had to be taken into account for a European vehicle and for whose complexity German engineers were obviously better suited.
With the slogan "A lot of car for the money", Ford then launched the new Taunus 12M on the market in September 1962.

Bernd Tuchen, Ford employee from 1973 to 2009, has already published several books about Ford.

Auteur:Bernd Tuchen
Uitvoering:140 blz, 29.5 x 21 x 0.7 cm, softcover
Illustraties:200 foto's
Uitgever:Shaker Media (DE, 2014)
Boek: Ford Taunus 12M P4: Wie aus einem „Cardinal“ ein Taunus wurde

Ford Taunus 12M P4: Wie aus einem „Cardinal“ ein Taunus wurde

Taal: Duits

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Ford Taunus P5 - Die 'Grosse Wanne' oder das Ende der Vernunft

The Ford Taunus P5, whether as a 17M, 20M, saloon, station wagon or coupé. It is and remains an eye-catcher on today's roads. Like so many other classic cars.
But is it different? Isn't it a bread-and-butter vehicle like the millions produced by the competition in the years of the economic miracle?

Let us take you back to the time of the economic miracle and find out what made the car so commonplace but also so special - and still does. In addition to a look back at the era in which the car was developed, produced and used, predecessors and successors as well as the technology are described.

Text in German.

Auteur:Jürgen Menges
Uitvoering:124 blz, 21.5 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd
Uitgever:CreateSpace (USA, 2015)
Boek: Ford Taunus P5 - Die 'Grosse Wanne' oder das Ende der Vernunft

Ford Taunus P5 - Die 'Grosse Wanne' oder das Ende der Vernunft

Taal: Engels

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La Ford Taunus 17M de mon père

Rijk geïllustreerd boek over de Ford Taunus 17M uit de jaren 1960-1972. Dit deel uit de Franse serie "La voiture de mon père" is niet alleen een goede bron van informatie voor de eigenaar, maar tegelijk een beknopte originaliteitsgids.

  • Vertelt de geschiedenis en ontwikkeling van de Ford Taunus 17M (P3) en de volgende generaties 17M in woord en beeld.
  • Beschrijft gedetailleerd de techniek, varianten, modelwijzigingen en speciale uitvoeringen.
  • Bevat meer dan 200, vaak nooit eerder gepubliceerde historische foto's.
Auteur:Frank Rousset
Uitvoering:120 blz, 21.5 x 24 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:200 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:ETAI (F, 2018)
Serie:De mon père
Boek: La Ford Taunus 17M de mon père

La Ford Taunus 17M de mon père

Taal: Frans

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Laatste update:29-04-2024