Voitures Bertone : livres - histoire, types et technique

Un livre sur les voitures Bertone ? Découvrez ici des beaux livres sur l'histoire, les types et la technique des voitures Bertone.

Bertone - Masterpieces of Style

For almost a century, Carrozzeria Bertone has created some of the most sensational models in automotive history. The extraordinary concept cars such as the B.A.T.Mobiles, the Testudo, the Canguro, the Carabo and the futuristic Stratos - to mention but a few - were joined by iconic sportscars such as the numerous Lamborghini Miuras, Marzals, Espadas and Countachs and the Alfa Romeo Montreal, as well as more "down-to-earth" cars that went into mass production.

This last category features the Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint, the Fiat X1/9 and the Nuova Mini Innocenti along with the many Citroens designed between the late 1980s and early 2000s.

These are just a few of the models featured in the extensive and varied Bertone catalogue to which great designers of the calibre of Giorgetto Giugiaro and Marcello Gandini have contributed.
In-depth historical contextualization by Luciano Greggio, a great connoisseur of the Bertone marque, and a magnificent collection of photographs make up this latest volume in the series Masterpieces of Style.

Auteur :Luciano Greggio
Présentation :208 pages, 27 x 24 cm, relié
Illustration :abondamment illustré avec des centaines de photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Giorgio Nada Editore (IT, 2020)
Bertone - Masterpieces of Style

Bertone - Masterpieces of Style

Langue : anglais

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The Bertone Collection

Many of the iconic vehicles of the second half of the 20th century, from simple but beautiful Fiats, Citroens and BMWs to astounding Alfa Romeos, Lancias, Maseratis and Lamborghinis, rolled out of the coachbuilding facilities of Carrozzeria Bertone and the design studios of Stile Bertone.
A succession of cutting-edge concept machines during the 1960s and the 1970s further cemented the belief that Bertone was not only the most audacious, but also arguably the most progressive and innovative of all the Italian design studios.

After the studio closed, several of the important concept cars, as well as the emblematic production models were either retained or later collected by the coachbuilder in a private museum housed at the Stile Bertone near Turin, and this book describes these extraordinary cars.
In over 350 pages and using innovative photography, the work of 9 Design Directors and 63 of their cars is described.

The book is written by well-known automotive journalist, Gautam Sen, and former Design Director of the Collection, Michael Robinson, in both English and Italian. Many of the cars have been freshly photographed specially for the publication.

Topics covered include:
- The Bertone Story / The History of Bertone
- Designers, including: Franco Scaglione, Giorgetto Giugiaro, Marcello Gandini, Giuliano Maria Biasio
- Alfa Romeo, including: Giulia Sprint, Giulia Sprint Speciale, 2600 Sprint, Montreal
- Fiat, including: 850 Spider, Dino 2400 Coupé, 128 Coupe Shopping
- Lamborghini, including: Miura P400S, Espada II, Countach 5000 Quattrovalvole
- Others: Chrysler Simca Shake, Citroën GS Camargue, Bertone Suzuki Go, Mini Cooper S Works GP, Jaguar B99 and more.

Auteur :Gautam Sen, Michael Robinson
Présentation :356 pages, 30 x 23 x 2.9 cm, relié
Illustration :367 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Dalton Watson Fine Books (USA, 2018)
The Bertone Collection

The Bertone Collection

Langue : anglais + italien

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Bertone - Italienische Auto-Ikonen

Das Studio Bertone gehört ohne Zweifel zu den Großen des italienischen Automobildesigns. An den Zeichenbrettern berühmter Designer wie Franco Scaglione, Marcello Gandini und Marc Deschamps entstanden zeitlose Klassiker für bekannte Automarken wie Fiat, Lancia und BMW, aber vor allem für Lamborghini. Klare Kanten und ein futuristisches Flair machten den "Stile Bertone" unverwechselbar.

Die glanzvolle Firmengeschichte endete 2014 mit der Auflösung des Unternehmens. Was bleibt, sind zahllose Luxusautos und italienische Sportwagen, die unverkennbar den Stempel der Carozzeria Bertone tragen.
Die ganze Bandbreite ihres Schaffens präsentiert dieser atemberaubende Bildband, der auf über 300 Seiten einige der wertvollsten Studien und Prototypen von neun verschiedenen Chefdesignern vereint. Die komplette Geschichte des legendären Studio Bertone von 1912 bis zu seinem Aus 2014 wird beschrieben.

Lamborghini Miura, Alfa Romeo Giulietta, Lancia Stratos - klangvolle Namen, nach denen sich jeder Autosammler die Finger leckt. Und die jeder Enthusiast von Weitem erkennt: Immer wieder erlangte das als Karosseriewerkstatt gegründete Studio Bertone Aufmerksamkeit mit gewagten Studien und gewöhnungsbedürftig anmutenden Concept Cars, von denen es nicht wenige bis auf die Straßen schafften. Mehr als sechzig dieser außergewöhnlichen Autos wurden für den Prachtband neu fotografiert und in eigens angefertigten Skizzen portraitiert.

Auteur :Gautam Sen, Michael Robinson
Présentation :320 pages, 24.5 x 30 x 3.3 cm, relié
Illustration :347 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH (D, 2021)
Bertone - Italienische Auto-Ikonen

Bertone - Italienische Auto-Ikonen

Langue : allemand

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