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Boeing CH-47 Chinook : livres - histoire et technique

Un livre sur l'avion Boeing CH-47 Chinook ? Découvrez ici les livres sur l'histoire et les modèles des hélicoptères Boeing.

RAF Chinook Manual - 1980 onwards (Marks HC1 to HC3) - An insight into the design, construction and operation (Haynes Aircraft Manual)

The RAF's rugged twin-rotor Chinook support helicopter has been involved in most of the UK's military operations stretching back to the Falklands Conflict, Northern Ireland and in both Gulf Wars, to peacekeeping in Bosnia, operations in Kosovo, the evacuation of Sierra Leone, and most recently its high profile missions in Afghanistan.

Pages du livre RAF Chinook Manual - 1980 onwards (1)

Author Chris McNab has been given full access by the RAF to its Chinook helicopters and crews to give an unprecedented insight into their operation and maintenance, fully illustrated with a stunning selection of photographs and technical drawings.

Pages du livre RAF Chinook Manual - 1980 onwards (2)

Cliquez ici pour plus d'information sur les "Haynes Aircraft Manuals"

Auteur :Chris McNab
Présentation :160 pages, 27.5 x 21 x 1.4 cm, relié
Illustration :25 photos en N&B et 250 en couleurs
Editeur :Haynes Publishing (GB, 2015)
Série :Haynes Aircraft Manual
Livre : RAF Chinook Manual - 1980 onwards (Marks HC1 to HC3) - An insight into the design, construction and operation (Haynes Aircraft Manual)

RAF Chinook Manual - 1980 onwards (Marks HC1 to HC3) - An insight into the design, construction and operation

Langue : anglais

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Dernière actualisation :20-04-2024