Livres sur les avions English Electric - aperçu

Beaux livres sur l'histoire et les avions de English Electric, y compris les Canberra et Lightning.

Livre : Canberra - The Greatest Multi Role Aircraft (1)

Canberra - The Greatest Multi Role Aircraft of the Cold War (Volume 1)

Ken Delve, John Sheehan

anglais | relié | 528 p. | 2022

Livre : Canberra - The Greatest Multi Role Aircraft (2)

Canberra - The Greatest Multi Role Aircraft of the Cold War (Volume 2)

Ken Delve, John Sheehan

anglais | relié | 624 p. | 2022

Livre : English Electric Canberra

English Electric Canberra - The History and Development of a Classic Jet

Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

anglais | broché | 208 p. | 2014

Livre : Black Box Canberras: British Test and Trials

Black Box Canberras : British Test and Trials Canberras 1951-1994

Dave Forster

anglais | relié | 228 p. | 2016

Livre : [COM] RAF Canberra Units of the Cold War

RAF Canberra Units of the Cold War

Andrew J. Brookes

anglais | broché | 96 p. | 2014

Livre : The English Electric Lightning

The English Electric Lightning - Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives

Martin Bowman

anglais | broché | 144 p. | 2018

Livre : Lightning from the Cockpit

Lightning from the Cockpit - Flying the Supersonic Legend

Peter Caygill

anglais | broché | 192 p. | 2006

Livre : From Lysander to Lightning - Teddy Petter, Designer

From Lysander to Lightning - Teddy Petter, Aircraft Designer

Glyn Davies

anglais | broché | 160 p. | 2014

Dernière actualisation : 26-07-2024