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Rover Pkw: Bildbände - Geschichte, Modelle und Technik

Ein Buch über Rover Personenwagen? Hier finden Sie Bildbände zur Geschichte, Modelle und Technik der Rover Personenwagen.

Rover, l'élégance britannique

Pendant plus de cent ans (1904-2005), Rover a été synonyme d'élégance et de classe dans le monde automobile. De ses premiers véhicules motorisés construits en 1904 jusqu'à sa disparition en 2005, la marque a incarné avec brio l'industrie automobile britannique, avec ses berlines statutaires, traversant toutes les époques du XXè siècle, en passant par deux guerres et la grave crise des années 1970 du groupe British Leyland.

Dans les années 1980, elle s'est imposée progressivement en marque généraliste haut de gamme, avec ses séries 100, 200, 400, 600 et 800, avant d'être reprise par BMW puis de disparaître, emportée par la faillite du groupe MG Rover en 2005.

Totalement inédit, l'ouvrage propose de revenir, année par année, sur la passionnante aventure de la marque au drakkar : l'analyse de l'activité économique de l'entreprise, la description de la stratégie de la marque, celles des différents propriétaires qui se sont succédé la présentation des modèles, leur évolution et caractéristiques techniques.
Le tout resitué dans le contexte économique et géopolitique de l'époque et illustré de plus de 500 documents et archives .

- Naissance de la première Rover
- Chronologie Rover de 1904 à 2005 (date de la faillite du groupe MG Rover)
- Annexes : chiffres de production et d'immatriculations en Grande-Bretagne et en France.

Autor:Adrien Cahuzac
Ausführung:160 Seiten, 31 x 23.5 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:500 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:ETAI (F, 2015)
Buch: Rover, l'élégance britannique

Rover, l'élégance britannique

Sprache: Französisch

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Rover Cars 1945 to 2005 - A Pictorial History

This comprehensive pictorial overview of Rover cars and car-derived vans covers the 60 years from 1945 to 2005. It describes and illustrates all of the great classic Rovers up to and including the SD1, and goes on to look at the models inherited from British Leyland that attracted Rover badges.
It finishes with the models designed in conjunction with Honda; the later British-designed cars - and even the final City Rover.

There is also consideration of some Rover models that were designed but, for various reasons, did not enter production, and can now only be seen as prototypes in museums.
A title in Veloce's popular Pictorial History series, this book describes all of the postwar models with illustrations and technical data for each.

Autor:James Taylor
Ausführung:80 Seiten, 22 x 21.5 x 0.6 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:300 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2019)
Buch: Rover Cars 1945 to 2005 - A Pictorial History

Rover Cars 1945 to 2005 - A Pictorial History

Sprache: Englisch

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British Leyland - The Cars, 1968-1986

In 1968, British Leyland brought together most of Britain's motor manufacturers, with the intention of creating a robust unified group that could equal the strength of the big European conglomerates. But this was not to be.

There have been many books about the politics and the business activities of British Leyland, but "British Leyland - The Cars, 1968 - 1986" looks deliberately at the cars that came from the company, both the models it inherited and it created.

The eighteen years of the corporation's existence saw a confusing multitude of different car types, but this book resolves these confusions, clarifying who built what, and when.
The book takes 1986 as its cut-off point because this was the year that the old British Leyland ceased to exist and what was left of the car and light commercial business was renamed the Rover Group.

Seiten aus dem Buch British Leyland: The Cars, 1968-1986 (1)

Autor:James Taylor
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 28 x 21.5 x 2 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:63 s/w-Abbildungen und 173 Farbfotos
Verlag:The Crowood Press Ltd (GB, 2018)
Buch: British Leyland - The Cars, 1968-1986

British Leyland - The Cars, 1968-1986

Sprache: Englisch

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Making Cars at Longbridge : 1906 to the Present Day

Lavishly illustrated with unique images from the official company archive, this book charts more than 100 years of car-making at the Longbridge factory, near Birmingham. Herbert Austin founded the Austin Motor Company here in April 1905 and it was subsequently home to the British Motor Corporation, British Leyland, Rover Group and, latterly, MG Rover. Its products include some of the most famous British models ever produced, such as the pioneering Austin Seven, the innovative trend-setting Mini, the popular Austin Metro and, in later years, the best-selling MG TF and elegant Rover 75.

The factory was a major employer and an integral part of the local community from its beginnings until the sad events of April 2005, when MG Rover went into administration. This radically changed the landscape, spearheading the long-term regeneration of the area. The community is looking to the future with confidence, never forgetting its long and proud tradition of manufacturing.

This fully updated version honours the 110th anniversary of the first motor production at Longbridge as well as the 150th birthday of Herbert Austin. It includes a new colour section showing various stages in the life of a car, from the design studio to the showroom.

Autor:Gillian Bardsley, Colin Corke
Ausführung:192 Seiten, 25 x 17 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:220 s/w-Abbildungen und 8 Farbfotos
Verlag:The History Press Ltd (GB, 2016)
Buch: Making Cars at Longbridge : 1906 to the Present Day

Making Cars at Longbridge : 1906 to the Present Day

Sprache: Englisch

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Andere Bücher in dieser Kategorie:

Rover P4: The Complete Story

Rover P4 - The Complete Story

James Taylor

Englisch | gebunden | 208 S. | 2015

Rover P4


Rover P4

James Taylor

Englisch | kartoniert | 96 S. | 2023

Rover P4

Rover P4

Malcolm Bobbitt

Englisch | kartoniert | 192 S. | 2019

Rover P5 and P5B - The Complete Story

Rover P5 and P5B - The Complete Story

James Taylor

Englisch | kartoniert | 200 S. | 2007

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Letzte Aktualisierung:26-07-2024