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VW off-road vehicles: books - history and construction

A book on VW off-road vehicles? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of VW off-road vehicles.

VW Kübelwagen Typ 82

Der VW Kübelwagen Typ 82 war in den Jahren 1940-1945 das meistgebaute Fahrzeug seiner Art in Deutschland. Von Ferdinand Porsche ab 1938 aus dem zivilen KdF-Wagen entwickelt, geriet der Typ 82 im Zweiten Weltkrieg zum Arbeitspferd an allen Fronten.

Was den VW Kübelwagen auszeichnete, war seine Geländegängigkeit, seine verhältnismässig geringen Entwicklungskosten und seine unproblematische Einsatzfähigkeit selbst unter schwierigen klimatischen Verhältnissen.

Illustriert mit über 200 Bildern, beschreibt die vorliegende Dokumentation von Janusz Piekalkiewicz Entwicklung, Technik und Einsatzgeschichte.

Pages of the book VW Kübelwagen Typ 82 (1)

Author:Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Specs:192 pages, 26.5 x 23 cm / 10.4 x 9.1 in, hardback
Illustrations:217 b&w photographs
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2015)
VW Kübelwagen Typ 82

VW Kübelwagen Typ 82

Language: German

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The Volkswagen Kübelwagen Type 82 in World War II

The famed World War II vehicle - the German equivalent of the American "Jeep" - is presented here in a superb collection of vintage photographs, and detailed text included testing, production, guidebooks, and technical manuals.
Included are the many variants that saw use on a variety of war fronts throughout the Second World War with special coverage of its extensive use in North Africa.

Author:Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Specs:192 pages, 29 x 22.5 x 2.1 cm / 11.4 x 8.9 x 0.83 in, hardback
Illustrations:over 200 b&w photographs
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2008)
The Volkswagen Kübelwagen Type 82 in World War II

The Volkswagen Kübelwagen Type 82 in World War II

Language: English

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VW Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen Manual - Insights into the design, construction and operation

Designed by Ferdinand Porsche and built by Volkswagen, the VW Type 82 Kübelwagen and its amphibious cousin the VW Type 128/166 Schwimmwagen were to the Germans what the Jeep was to the Allies and were used widely by the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS in the Second World War. In recent years the Kübel and Schwimm have acquired something of a cult status among military vehicle collectors worldwide.

Pages of the book VW Kubelwagen / Schwimmwagen Manual (1)

Author Chris McNab examines the design, construction and use of these classic German utility vehicles, as well as reviewing today's fertile market for restorations and replicas.

Pages of the book VW Kubelwagen / Schwimmwagen Manual (2)

Author:Chris McNab
Specs:160 pages, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.4 cm / 10.8 x 8.5 x 0.55 in, hardback
Illustrations:75 b&w and 225 colour photographs
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2015)
Series:Haynes Military Manual
VW Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen Manual - Insights into the design, construction and operation

VW Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen Manual - Insights into the design, construction and operation

Language: English

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Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen - L'histoire, la conception, la mécanique et l'engagement operationnel

Dessinées par Ferdinand Porsche et produites par Volkswagen, la Type 82 Kübelwagen et sa cousine amphibie la Type 128/166 Schwimmwagen furent aux Allemands ce qu'était la Jeep aux Alliés. Elles furent largement exploitées par la Wehrmacht et les Waffen-SS durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Ces deux véhicules utilitaires robustes ont résolument rempli leur rôle, tant dans les grands froids hivernaux du Front de l'Est que dans la chaleur torride du Désert Libyen.
Fiabilité et sobriété sont les marques de leur réussite, et leur réputation légendaire perdurera dans l'après-guerre. Au 21e siècle, les véhicules rescapés deviennent cultes auprès des collectionneurs du monde entier.

L'auteur analyse ici le développement de ces véhicules utilitaires classiques de l'armée allemande et aborde dans le détail leur conception et leurs caractéristiques, y compris moteur et transmission. Il en décrit l'expérience en combat, donnant leurs caractéristiques de tenue de route et d'entretien courant.
Avec plus de 250 d'images historiques, dessins techniques et photographies détaillées de véhicules restaurés, le Manuel HaynesVW Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen permet une plongée unique à l'intérieur de ces véhicules emblématiques.

Author:Chris McNab
Specs:160 pages, 31 x 23 x 1.9 cm / 12.2 x 9.1 x 0.75 in, hardback
Illustrations:250+ b&w and colour photographs
Publisher:Histoire & Collections (F, 2016)
Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen - L'histoire, la conception, la mécanique et l'engagement operationnel

Kübelwagen / Schwimmwagen - L'histoire, la conception, la mécanique et l'engagement operationnel

Language: French

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VW Kübelwagen (1940-1990)

Brooklands Portfolio book about the military Volkswagen off-road vehicles from the years 1940-1990. Describes the VW 82, 128, 181, Country Buggy, 'The Thing' and Iltis.

The 34 articles, taken from contemporary British and American car magazines, provide much information about history, model changes and technology.

Specs:140 pages, 27.5 x 18.5 x 0.9 cm / 10.8 x 7.3 x 0.35 in, paperback
Illustrations:250 photographs
Publisher:Brooklands Books (GB, 1993)

▶  More information on the Brooklands Portfolio books

VW Kübelwagen (1940-1990)

VW Kübelwagen (1940-1990)

Language: English

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VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen & Special Vehicles (Book 1)

Covers the Volkswagen Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen and other special VW vehicles used in World War II.

Author:Michael Sawodny
Specs:48 pages, 9 x 28 x 0.3 cm / 3 x 11 x 0.12 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w photographs, drawings
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2004)
VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen & Special Vehicles (Book 1)

VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen & Special Vehicles (Book 1)

Language: English

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VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen (Book 2) - Development, Testing, Production

Covers the development, testing and production of the Volkswagen Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen.

Author:Bernd Wiersch
Specs:48 pages, 21 x 28 x 0.3 cm / 8.25 x 11 x 0.12 in, paperback
Illustrations:b&w photographs, drawings
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2004)
VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen (Book 2) - Development, Testing, Production

VW at War - Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen (Book 2) - Development, Testing, Production

Language: English

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VW Iltis

Illustrated study showing the military and civilian off-road capabilites of the German Volkswagen Iltis, produced in the 1970s-1980s, including many detail.

Author:Willy Queißner
Specs:26 pages, 13 x 10.5 x 0.2 cm / 5.1 x 4.1 x 0.08 in, paperback
Illustrations:100 illustrations
Publisher:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 2004)

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German VW: Technical manual

German Volkswagen : Technical manual - Operation and Maintenance

U.S. War Department

English | paperback | 146 p. | 2018

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Last update:02-09-2024