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Trams - Canada: boeken - historie en typen

Boeken over de historie, typen en techniek van trams in Canada, waaronder Ottawa en Toronto.

Toronto Streetcars Serve The City

This book is a photographic essay documenting Toronto's extensive streetcar system that during 2012 on an average Monday to Friday work day carried an average of 285,000 passengers with its 11 routes, 671 stops, and 247 cars.
From the urban residential area of Kingston Road to the commercial district of Spadina Avenue where between King and Bloor Streets there is a streetcar in peak periods every 2 to 3 minutes, this book provides an insight to an amazing streetcar system.

Kenneth Springirth, with a lifelong interest in rail transportation, has made numerous trips to Toronto to ride, research, walk, and photograph the streetcar lines.

Auteur:Kenneth C. Springirth
Uitvoering:128 blz, 23.5 x 16.5 x 0.8 cm, softcover
Illustraties:200 kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:America Through Time (USA, 2014)
Boek: Toronto Streetcars Serve The City

Toronto Streetcars Serve The City

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update:29-04-2024