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Trucks - books: technology, maintenance and repair

A book about truck technology and components? Here are books on technology, maintenance and repair trucks, semi-trailers and trailers. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Fachkunde Nutzfahrzeugtechnik

Das vorliegende Werk ist in 16 Kapitel unterteilt. Dem Gesellen, Meister und Techniker des Kraftfahrzeughandwerks und der Berufskraftfahrer sowie dem Studierenden der Fahrzeugtechnik soll das Buch als Nachschlagewerk, zur Informationsbeschaffung und zur Ergänzung der fachlichen Kenntnisse dienen. Allen an der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik Interessierten soll das Werk eine Erweiterung des Fachwissens durch Selbststudium ermöglichen.

In ihrer Zielsetzung sind die gewählten Lerninhalte sowohl auf das Berufsbild des Kraftfahrzeugmechatronikers/der Kraftfahrzeugmechatronikerin mit dem Schwerpunkt Nutzfahrzeugtechnik als auch auf das Berufsbild des Berufskraftfahrers/der Berufskraftfahrerin ausgerichtet.

Pages of the book Fachkunde Nutzfahrzeugtechnik (1)

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte des Buches sind:
- die Einteilung der Nutzfahrzeuge, Maße und Gewichte von Nutzfahrzeugen
- Fahrzeugaufbau inkl. Anhänge- und Sattelkupplungen
- Fahrwerk inkl. Zentralschmierung
- Druckluftbremsanlagen inkl. elektronisch geregeltes Bremssystem (EBS), Dauerbremsanlagen inkl. Retarder
- Dieselmotoren inkl. Gemischaufbereitung, Schadstoffminderung/Abgasnachbehandlung inkl. Dieselpartikelfilter und selektische katalytische Reduktion (SCR)
- Alternativantriebe inkl. Erdgasantriebe
- Antriebsstrang inkl. Nutzfahrzeuggetriebe
- elektrische Anlage inkl. Datenbussysteme, Daten- und Kontrollgeräte
- Fahrerassistenz-, Sicherheits- sowie Komfortsysteme
- Zusatzeinrichtungen inkl. Hubladebühne
- Fahrzeugbergung
- gesetzliche Untersuchungen inkl. Sicherheitsprüfung
- englische Fachbegriffe.

Aus der Fülle des Stoffes wurden die Sachgebiete im Umfang und Inhalt so ausgewählt, dass sie den Anforderungen der Neuordnung nach Lernfeldern entsprechen. Bei den kraftfahrtechnischen Grundlagen baut das Werk auf der Fachkunde Kraftfahrzeugtechnik auf.

Pages of the book Fachkunde Nutzfahrzeugtechnik (2)

Specs:352 pages, 24 x 17 x 1.7 cm / 9 x 6.7 x 0.67 in, paperback
Illustrations:numerous photographs and drawings in colour
Publisher:Europa-Lehrmittel (DE, 2015)
Book: Fachkunde Nutzfahrzeugtechnik

Fachkunde Nutzfahrzeugtechnik

Language: German

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Das große Buch der Lkw-Technik

Die Vielfalt der Lkw-Technik auf einen Blick: Die Entwicklung des Lastkraftwagens samt seinen Motoren und Fahrwerken, Fahrerhäusern und Anhängern wird in diesem Überblickswerk beschrieben ? von den Anfängen bis heute.

Pages of the book Das große Buch der Lkw-Technik (1)

Der Nutzfahrzeug-Experte Erich Hoepke veranschaulicht in Text und Bild, wie nahezu jede Herausforderung des modernen Güterverkehrs technisch gelöst wurde: verschiedene Transportaufgaben, aber auch der Sicherheitsaspekt und die Gestaltung des Fahrerhauses als Arbeitsplatz des Fahrers. Abgerundet wird dieses einzigartige Buch durch Ausblicke auf technische Neuerungen der nahen Zukunft.

Author:Erich Hoepke
Specs:280 pages, 24.5 x 17.5 x 2.2 cm / 9.7 x 6.9 x 0.87 in, hardback
Illustrations:230 photographs and drawings
Publisher:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2022)
Book: Das große Buch der Lkw-Technik

Das große Buch der Lkw-Technik

Language: German

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Medium / Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems

Succeed in your career in the dynamic field of commercial truck engine service with this latest edition of the most comprehensive guide to highway diesel engines and their management systems available today!

Ideal for students, entry-level technicians, and experienced professionals, "Medium / Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems", Fifth Edition, covers the full range of commercial vehicle diesel engines, from light- to heavy-duty, as well as the most current management electronics used in the industry.
In addition, dedicated chapters deal with natural gas (NG) fuel systems (CNG and LPG), alternate fuels, and hybrid drive systems.

The book addresses the latest ASE and NATEF tasks, provides a unique emphasis on the modern multiplexed chassis, and will serve as a valuable toolbox reference throughout your career.

Author:Sean Bennett
Specs:1008 pages, 28.5 x 22.5 x 4 cm / 11.2 x 8.9 x 1.57 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous photographs and drawings
Publisher:Cengage Learning, Inc (USA, 2015)
Book: Medium / Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems

Medium / Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems

Language: English

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Moteurs et systèmes d'injection diesels de véhicules lourds

Ce livre traite des moteurs diesels utilisés dans les véhicules lourds routiers et les engins de chantier.
Il est destiné aux étudiants de niveau débutant comme il constitue une référence utile pour le mécanicien chevronné.

Pages of the book Moteurs et systemes d'injection diesels (1)

Table de matières :
1 - Principes de base du moteur à combustion
2 - Historique du moteur thermique
3 - Puissance
4 - Composants moteurs du groupe motopropulseur
5 - Composants du bloc-cylindres
6 - Système de lubrification du moteur
7 - Systèmes de refroidissement
8 - Alimentation en air du moteur
9 - Frein moteur
10 - Carburant diesel
11 - Systèmes d'alimentation de carburant
12 - Principes de l'injection hydromécanique
13 - Buses d'injection à commande hydrauliques
14 - Pompes d'injection à orifices et hélices
15 - Injecteurs mécaniques Detroit Diesel
16 - Pompes distributives rotatives
17 - Régulateurs
18 - Carburants de remplacement
19 - Systèmes d'ordinateurs de véhicules
20 - Pompe électronique Bosch à distributeur rotatif et système à rampe commune
21 - Système de contrôle électronique Detroit Diesel (DDEC)
22 - Systèmes Caterpillar ADEM et Volvo Vectro EUI
23 - Systèmes HEUI de Caterpillar et de Camions International
24 - Émissions polluantes.

Author:Sean Bennett
Specs:462 pages, 27.5 x 22 x 2.4 cm / 10.8 x 8.7 x 0.94 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Éditions Reynald Goulet (CDN, 2018)
Book: Moteurs et systèmes d'injection diesels de véhicules lourds

Moteurs et systèmes d'injection diesels de véhicules lourds

Language: French

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Mécanique de véhicules lourds (4e édition)

Ce best-seller, qui traite d'entretien et de réparation de véhicules lourds, présente tous les thèmes d'importance comme les groupes motopropulseurs, la direction, la suspension, les freins et autres.

Le livre aborde de nouveaux sujets comme les circuits hydrauliques de camions d'une manière conviviale.
Le thème des boîtes de vitesses et transmissions reflète les plus récents changements technologiques. On retrouve entre autres un chapitre à jour sur les transmissions électroniques et les boîtes de vitesses automatisées, qui inclut les plus récents composants Meritor et Mercedes-Benz.

Pages of the book Mecanique de vehicules lourds (4e edition) (1)

Table de matières :
1 - Programme d'entretien préventif
2 - Vérification et réparation de circuits électroniques
3 - Embrayages
4 - Transmission manuelle
5 - Entretien d'une transmission manuelle
6 - Convertisseur de couple
7 - Transmissions automatiques
8 - Boîtes de vitesses manuelles automatisées
9 - Transmission électronique Allison
10 - Arbre de commande
11 - Différentiels
12 - Entretien et réparation du différentiel
13 - Direction et parallélisme
14 - Systèmes de suspension
15 - Roues et pneus
16 - Systèmes de freinage pneumatique
17 - ABS et EBS
18 - Entretien des freins pneumatiques
19 - Cadre de châssis
20 - Remorques de véhicules lourds
21 - Sellette d'attelage et systèmes d'accouplement
22 - Système de freinage hydraulique et système de freinage hydraulique à commande pneumatique
23 - Systèmes de ventilation, de chauffage et de climatisation.

Author:Sean Bennett, Ian Andrew Norman
Specs:1004 pages, 27.5 x 21.5 x 3.5 cm / 10.8 x 8.5 x 1.38 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Éditions Reynald Goulet (CDN, 2020)
Book: Mécanique de véhicules lourds (4e édition)

Mécanique de véhicules lourds (4e édition)

Language: French

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Heavy Duty Truck Systems (6th Edition)

This comprehensive best-selling introduction to servicing medium- and heavy-duty trucks helps you develop a strong foundation in electricity and electronics, power train, steering and suspension, brakes, and accessories systems and presents introductory material on servicing, safety, tools, and preventive maintenance.

You'll also find full coverage of NATEF competencies and the latest technology, including 2014 J1939 updates and access tools, Wingman radar, CMS, and Allison TC10 transmissions (introduced in 2013). You will master key topics and servicing procedures with extensive sets of review questions.

Contains over 1700 full color photographs and pieces of art.

Pages of the book Heavy Duty Truck Systems (6th Edition) (1)

- Focuses on prognostic maintenance, reflecting current trucking industry practices.
- Covers the latest battery technology, changes in electronic service tools, collision avoidance technologies, and service information systems (SISs).
- Provides an introduction to Eaton DM clutches and comprehensive coverage of Caterpillar's new highway vocational transmissions (CX family).
- Includes reefer cryogenics and BlueCool-type heat exchanges.
- Features the most comprehensive glossary of any other trucking book on the market.
- Includes standard-to-metric values (metric in brackets) throughout except CVSA and FMVSS compliance specs.

Pages of the book Heavy Duty Truck Systems (6th Edition) (2)

Author:Sean Bennett
Specs:1328 pages, 28.5 x 22.5 x 4.6 cm / 11.2 x 8.9 x 1.81 in, hardback
Illustrations:1700 colour photographs and drawings
Publisher:Cengage Learning, Inc (USA, 2014)
Book: Heavy Duty Truck Systems (6th Edition)

Heavy Duty Truck Systems (6th Edition)

Language: English

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Truck and Trailer Systems

The most complete visual guide to servicing medium- and heavy-duty truck systems
Written by an expert with decades of experience as an automotive and diesel technician and instructor, Truck and Trailer Systems offers comprehensive information on medium- and heavy-duty truck service.

The book begins by discussing the trucking industry, professional certifications, safety, tools, and measuring equipment. Then, each system is thoroughly covered - from electrical and lighting to brakes and transmissions.

Factory procedures from the most common manufacturers for diagnosis and repair are presented along with annotated photos and diagrams.
This practical, authoritative resource is essential for those starting out in the field as well as experienced professionals in need of a detailed, on-the-job reference.

1) Introduction into the Trucking Industry
2) Safety
3) Tools and Measuring Equipment
4) Basic Electrical
5) Batteries
6) The Starting System
7) The Charging System
8) Lighting and Wiring
9) Computer Systems
10) Advanced Computer Systems
11) Mobile HVAC
12) Tires and Wheel Systems
13) Wheel Ends
14) Frame and Suspensions
15) Steering Systems
16) Trailers and Fifth Wheels
17) Hydraulic Brakes
18) Air Brake Foundation Brakes
19) Air Brake Air System
20) Anti-Lock Brake Systems
21) Air System Accessories
22) Drive Lines
23) Clutches
24) Drive Axles
25) Single Countershaft Manual Transmissions
26) Twin Countershaft Manual Transmissions
27) Automated Manual Transmissions
28) Automatic Transmissions
29) Allison Automatic Transmissions

Author:Mike Thomas
Specs:752 pages, 28.5 x 23 x 3.5 cm / 11.2 x 9.1 x 1.38 in, hardback
Illustrations:numerous photographs and drawings
Publisher:McGraw-Hill (USA, 2013)
Book: Truck and Trailer Systems

Truck and Trailer Systems

Language: English

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Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual - Electrical, Chassis, Drive Line, and PMI

Featuring more than 100 in-depth lab exercises, this hands-on guide provides the practice you need to succeed as a medium- and heavy-duty truck service technician. The labs meet and exceed NATEF standards. Every system is thoroughly covered - from electrical and lighting to brakes and transmissions.

Each lab includes:
- Objective of the lab
- Safety precautions
Tools needed to complete the lab
- Challenging review questions help to reinforce the topics covered and are patterned after the typical questions found on the ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Certification tests (T3 through T8).

Written by an expert with decades of experience as an automotive and diesel technician and instructor, this lab manual is the perfect companion to the comprehensive text, "Truck and Trailer Systems".

Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual covers:
- Vehicle identification numbers
- Engine, transmission, and drive axle ID tag numbers
- SafetyTools and measuring equipment
- Basic electrical
- Magnetism
- Batteries
- Starting system
- Charging system
- Lighting and wiring
- Computer systems
- Mobile heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
- Tires, wheels, and wheel end systems
- Frames and suspensions
- Steering systems
- Trailers and fifth wheels
- Hydraulic brake systems
- Air brake foundation brakes
- Air brake air system
- Anti-lock brake systems
- Drive linesClutches
- Drive axles
- Single and twin countershaft manual transmissions
- Automated manual transmissions
- Automatic transmissions
- Allison automatic transmissions
- Auxiliary power units.

Author:Mike Thomas
Specs:336 pages, 27.5 x 22 x 2 cm / 10.8 x 8.7 x 0.79 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:McGraw-Hill (USA, 2014)
Book: Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual - Electrical, Chassis, Drive Line, and PMI

Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual - Electrical, Chassis, Drive Line, and PMI

Language: English

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Last update:26-07-2024