Original British Leyland manuals and parts catalogues

In the fifties and sixties British Leyland grew into a powerful group with a wide variety of brands. Not only passenger cars were made (Austin, Austin-Healey, Daimler, Jaguar, MG, Mini, Morris, Riley, Rover, Triumph and Wolseley), but also commercial vehicles (AEC, Albion, Austin, Bristol, Daimler, Guy, Land Rover, Leyland, Morris, Scammell and Thornycroft), earthmoving machines (Aveling-Barford) and agricultural tractors (Nuffield, later Leyland).

Due to various developments, the group fell apart in the seventies and eighties. Many brands disappeared, others were taken over. Fortunately, we can still offer original technical books for most British classics, and this in three sorts:

Land Rover Ninety, One Ten, Defender (1983-1992) - Official Workshop Manual

Workshop Manuals / Service Manuals / Repair Operation Manuals

  • These are the original workshop manuals as used by the dealers.
  • The information is ultra-complete. All interventions are described, but sometimes special tools are required.
  • Some of these books contain more than 1000 pages!

Triumph TR6 Parts Catalogue

Parts Catalogues

  • These are the original parts books as used by the dealers.
  • They contain drawings of all components (often exploded views) and parts numbers lists. This makes ordering spare parts or searching for parts via the internet a lot easier.
  • The drawings are a great help to see how components are assembled. This is useful for repair and restoration work.

Rover Owners' Handbook

Owners' Handbooks / Instruction Manuals / User Manuals

These are the booklets that were originally delivered with a new car. They contain information about operation, periodic maintenance and technical data.

Language: These books are only available in English.

Editions: Some of the offered books are original and come from old British Leyland stocks. Titles that were no longer available have been republished by Brooklands Books (in partnership with the copyright holders Rover Group, Jaguar and the British Motor Heritage Trust). These fascimile editions look exactly the same as the original publications.

MGA Workshop Manual
Daimler Double Six / Jaguar XJ12 Repair Operation Manual
Land Rover Parts Catalogue
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Knowledge and experience

Since 2000, TMB Bookshop has been offering motoring books from Haynes, Chilton, Clymer, Bentley, Brooklands, ETAI, Bucheli, Motorbooks, Motorbuch Verlag and many other well-known publishers.