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OBD-systems and fault codes: handbooks - service and repair manuals

A handbook on OBD-systems and fault codes? Explore here technical manuals on OBD-systems and fault codes. They provide detailed instructions for troubleshooting and parts replacement.

Haynes Fault Codes Manual: Engine management & fuel injection codes (Cars and light commercial vehicles)

Haynes manual on fault codes of passenger car and light commercial vehicle engine management and fuel injection systems. Contains fault code tables for various systems, including EOBD - European On-Board Diagnostic.
Also shows the location of the EOBD connections on the most popular cars.

  • This book explains how and why fault codes are generated, how to retrieve them (with and without a reader), how to interpret them and how to turn off the warning light after the fault has been rectified.
  • Step-by-step instructions with over 400 photographs.


Author:Charles White, Martynn Randall
Details:304 pages, 27 x 21 x 1.7 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.67 in, paperback
Illustrations:400 b&w and 20 colour photos
Publisher:Haynes Publishing (GB, 2013)
Series:Haynes Manual (4175)
Haynes Fault Codes Manual: Engine management & fuel injection codes (Cars and light commercial vehicles)

Haynes Fault Codes Manual: Engine management & fuel injection codes (Cars and light commercial vehicles)

Language: English

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Automotive Computer Codes & Electronic Engine Management Systems (1980-1996) | Haynes TechBook

This American Haynes TechBook describes computer codes and electronic engine management systems. Suitable for American models of BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, VW and Volvo.

Years of construction: 1980-1996.

  • Deals with do-it-yourself diagnostics and access to the error messages of the on-board computer.
  • Complete and easy to understand code tables for all types.
  • Also information about diagnostic equipment, factory warranties, principle of engine management systems, checking and replacing components.

1) Introduction
2) Manufacturer's Warranty
3) Computer Basics
4) Computer Controlled Systems
5) Tools
6) Basic Troubleshooting
7) Part A - Retrieving Computer Trouble Codes
7) Part B - Computer Error Codes
8) Checking and Replacing Components


Author:Robert Maddox, J. H. Haynes
Details:320 pages, 27.5 x 20.5 x 1 cm / 10.8 x 8.1 x 0.39 in, paperback
Illustrations:350 illustrations
Publisher:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 1996)
Series:Haynes TechBook (10205)
Automotive Computer Codes & Electronic Engine Management Systems (1980-1996) | Haynes TechBook

Automotive Computer Codes & Electronic Engine Management Systems (1980-1996)

Language: English

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OBD-II & Engine Management Systems (1996-2004) | Haynes TechBook

Haynes TechBook on Second Generation On-Board Diagnostic Systems as installed in US passenger cars and light commercial vehicles from 1996-2004.

  • Contains information on the operation of OBD-II diagnostic systems, reading fault codes, finding faults and repairing them.
  • Contains lists of specific fault codes for GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota / Lexus and Honda / Acura models.

1) Introduction
2) Manufacturer's warranties
3) Tools
4) Basic Troubleshooting
5) Powertrain management basics
6) OBD-II monitors
7) Trouble code retrieval
8) Trouble codes
9) Diagnostic routines
10) Component replacement procedures
11) OBD-II and performance programming.


Author:John H Haynes, Bob Henderson
Details:320 pages, 27 x 21 x 1.3 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 x 0.51 in, paperback
Illustrations:250 photos and drawings
Publisher:Haynes Manuals, Inc. (USA, 2006)
Series:Haynes TechBook (10206)
OBD-II & Engine Management Systems (1996-2004) | Haynes TechBook

OBD-II & Engine Management Systems (1996-2004)

Language: English

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How to Use Automotive Diagnostic Scanners

Scanning the code to determine why your "check engine" light has come on is frequently more costly than the repair itself! Scanning automotive systems at home can save you money and only requires the ability to plug a phone or tablet into an easily accessible port on the car. With the right dock, it is possible to perform diagnostic checks in your very own garage.

From handheld, dedicated units to software that turns PCs and portable devices into powerful diagnostic scanners, today's auto enthusiasts can access and analyze their vehicle's on-board diagnostic systems. This is great news, and not just for repairs. With the right information, these scanners can be used as low-budget data acquistion systems and dynamometers to maximize your vehicle's performance.

"How to Use Automotive Diagnostic Scanners" teaches you how to choose the right scanner for your application and how to use it, with a comprehensive list of what each code means.
Photos and diagrams help you understand OBD-I and OBD-II systems (including CAN) and the scanners that read the information they record. From catalytic converters and O2 sensors to emissions and automotive detective work, this is the complete reference for keeping your vehicle EPA-compliant and on the road!


Author:Tracy Martin
Details:200 pages, 27 x 21 cm / 10.6 x 8.25 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Motorbooks International (USA, 2015)
Series:Workshop Manual
How to Use Automotive Diagnostic Scanners

How to Use Automotive Diagnostic Scanners

Language: English

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Fonctionnement du groupe motopropulseur

The "Mécanique automobile: diagnostic et réparation" series is a collection of books on the theory, verification of systems, subsystems and components, fault diagnosis and repair techniques for automobiles and light trucks in French.

This volume deals with the operation of the powertrain.

Table of contents:
1 - Engine performance-related systems
2 - Oxygen sensors
3 - Checking and maintaining anti-pollution systems.


Author:Jack Erjavec
Details:82 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 0.6 cm / 11 x 8.5 x 0.24 in, spiral binding
Illustrations:numerous photos and drawings in colour
Publisher:Éditions Reynald Goulet (CDN, 2015)
Series:Diagnostic et réparation
Fonctionnement du groupe motopropulseur

Fonctionnement du groupe motopropulseur

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025