

Books on Matra cars - overview of all titles

Manuals covering maintenance, repair and overhaul of Matra cars as well as illustrated books on the history and models of Matra.

Quickly find here the right workshop manual for your Matra :

Book: Matra de route

Matra de route

Dominique Pagneux

French | hardback | 192 p. | 2003

Book: Matra


English | paperback | 200 p. | 2012

Book: La Rancho de mon pere

La Rancho de mon père

André Dewael

French | hardback | 120 p. | 2014

Book: La Renault Espace de mon pere

La Renault Espace de mon père

André Dewael

French | hardback | 120 p. | 2016

Book: La Renault Avantime de mon pere

La Renault Avantime de mon père

André Dewael

French | hardback | 120 p. | 2017

Book: La Matra 530 de mon pere

La Matra 530 de mon père

André Dewael

French | hardback | 120 p. | 2019

Book: Bagheera - L'irresistible panthere de Matra-Simca

Bagheera - L'irrésistible panthère de Matra-Simca

André Dewael

French | hardback | 160 p. | 2010

Book: La Matra-Simca Bagheere de mon pere

La Matra-Simca Bagheere de mon père

André Dewael

French | hardback | 120 p. | 2018

Book: Talbot Matra Murena

Talbot Matra Murena

André Dewael

French | hardback | 176 p. | 2021

Book: Bleu Matra, la couleur de la victoire

Bleu Matra, la couleur de la victoire

Luc Joly, Yves Ronga, Serge Caller

French | hardback | 240 p. | 2020

Book: Matra Sports Cars 1966 to 1974

Matra Sports Cars - MS 620, 630, 650, 660 & 670 - 1966 to 1974

Ed McDonough

English | paperback | 128 p. | 2010

Book: [0474] Matra Bagheera (4/1973-1980)

Matra Bagheera (4/1973-1980)

German | paperback | 156 p. | 2017

Book: [0748] Talbot Matra Rancho (ab 1977)

Talbot Matra Rancho (ab 1977)

German | paperback | 160 p. | 2016


Last update: 20-04-2024