Books on warships: France - overview

A book on French navy ships? Discover here books on French battleships, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, aircraft carriers and submarines.

Book: French Warships in the Age of Sail 1626-1786

French Warships in the Age of Sail 1626-1786

Rif Winfield, Stephen S. Roberts

English | hardback | 438 p. | 2017

Book: L'Hermione - l'aventure de sa reconstruction

L'Hermione - l'aventure de sa reconstruction

Jean-Marie Ballu

French | paperback | 192 p. | 2016

Book: [DUE] Victory vs Redoutable - Trafalgar 1805

Victory vs Redoutable - Ships of the line at Trafalgar 1805

Gregory Fremont-Barnes

English | paperback | 80 p. | 2008

Book: [NVG] Napoleonic Naval Armaments 1792–1815

Napoleonic Naval Armaments 1792–1815

Chris Henry

English | paperback | 48 p. | 2004

Book: Sino-French Naval War 1884-1885

Sino-French Naval War 1884-1885

Piotr Olender

English | paperback | 128 p. | 2012

Book: Esprit de marine, forces de mer

Esprit de marine, forces de mer

J.-M. Chourgnoz, M. Heger

French | hardback | 144 p. | 2001

Book: Equipages - Vie a bord & traditions des marins

Equipages - Vie à bord & traditions des marins de la royale

Luc-Christophe Guillerm

French | hardback | 192 p.

Book: Les arsenaux de marine en France

Les arsenaux de marine en France

François Bellec

French | paperback | 224 p. | 2008

Book: A bord du Charles de Gaulle

A bord du Charles de Gaulle

Cyril Hofstein, Benjamin Decoin

French | hardback | 192 p. | 2017

Book: La Jeanne-d'Arc - Le dernier voyage

La Jeanne-d'Arc - Le dernier voyage

Luc-Christophe Guillerm

French | hardback | 176 p. | 2011

Book: European Ironclads 1860-75

European Ironclads 1860-75 : La Gloire sparks the great ironclad arms race

Angus Konstam

English | paperback | 48 p. | 2019

Book: French Battleships 1914-1945

French Battleships 1914-1945

Ryan K. Noppen, Paul Wright

English | paperback | 48 p. | 2019

Book: French Battleships of World War One

French Battleships of World War One

John Jordan, Philippe Caresse

English | hardback | 328 p. | 2017

Book: French Battleships 1922-1956

French Battleships 1922-1956

John Jordan, Robert Dumas

English | paperback | 232 p. | 2021

Book: The Battleship Richelieu

The Battleship Richelieu

Andrzej Sobucki, Miroslaw Skwiot

English | paperback | 80 p. | 2012

Book: [TK] Alliierte Schlachtschiffe - GB, F und USSR 39-45

Alliierte Schlachtschiffe - England, Frankreich und UdSSR 1939-1945

Ingo Bauernfeind

German | paperback | 128 p. | 2012

Book: French Armoured Cruisers 1887 - 1932

French Armoured Cruisers 1887 - 1932

Jordan John , Caresse Philippe

English | hardback | 288 p. | 2019

Book: French Cruisers 1922-1956

French Cruisers 1922-1956

John Jordan, Jean Moulin

English | hardback | 232 p. | 2013

Book: French Destroyers 1922–1956

French Destroyers : Torpilleurs d'Escadre and Contre-Torpilleurs, 1922-1956

John Jordan, Jean Moulin

English | hardback | 240 p. | 2015

Book: Les sous-marins francais, les bateaux noirs

Les sous-marins français, les bateaux noirs

Bernard Louzeau, Jean-Marie Chourgnoz

French | hardback | 168 p. | 1998

Book: [TK] Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England

Atom-Uboote - USA, Frankreich und England

Ingo Bauernfeind

German | paperback | 112 p. | 2015


Last update: 26-07-2024