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Trucks - Groot-Brittannië: boeken - wegtransport per regio

Een boek over vrachtwagens uit Groot-Brittannië? Hier vindt U boeken over het wegtransport en trucks in diverse Britse regio's.

Working Scottish Trucks : Through the Lens

A photographic book bringing together 262 images of commercial vehicles spotted across some of the most scenic parts of Scotland. The beautiful landscapes offer a fantastic backdrop to the large range of haulage companies based in this rural, rugged and often difficult area.

With just one picture per page, this book reproduces Ian Lawson's perfectly captured shots to maximum effect.
The images have been taken over 30 years of dedicated viewing and focus on 10 types of vehicles - bulk transport, curtainsiders, fridges and food, general haulage, hay and stray, heavy haulage, livestock transporters, renewable energy transport, round timber haulage and tankers.
Each photo is captioned with the date, location, make and model of vehicle and details of owner and types of work undertaken.

Auteur:Ian Lawson
Uitvoering:272 blz, 22 x 27.5 x 1.9 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:262 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Old Pond Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017)
Boek: Working Scottish Trucks : Through the Lens

Working Scottish Trucks : Through the Lens

Taal: Engels

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Bonnie Scottish Trucks - A Celebration of Scottish Style

This book brings together 231 high quality photos of trucks operated by past and present Scottish companies, small firms and owner drivers who have used their vehicles as a means of attracting the eye of potential customers and as a matter of pride in the presentation of their business.

To emphasise the ownership and purpose of the vehicle, the user's name is emblazoned on the front and sides in shade lettering leaving the onlooker in no doubt. Although not exclusive to Scotland, this treatment seems to have been more prolific and has stood the test of time in Scotland.

The beautiful vehicles featured in this book were spotted by author, Bill Reid around the country, in towns, in cattle markets, on the road, and anywhere else trucks or lorries can be found.

Auteur:Bill Reid
Uitvoering:128 blz, 22 x 36.5 x 1.4 cm, hardcover
Illustraties:231 z/w- en kleurenfoto's
Uitgever:Old Pond Publishing Ltd (GB, 2016)
Boek: Bonnie Scottish Trucks - A Celebration of Scottish Style

Bonnie Scottish Trucks - A Celebration of Scottish Style

Taal: Engels

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Brain Haulage Ltd : A Company History 1950-1992

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British Railway Road Vehicles 1948-1968

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Co-operative Transport

Co-operative Transport

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Great Western Railway Road Vehicles (2)

Great Western Railway Road Vehicles (2)

Alan Earnshaw

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LMS Railway Road Vehicles

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The London Brick Company (Famous Fleets)

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Laatste update:29-04-2024