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Puch Maxi werkplaatshandboek - onderhoud en reparatie

Een werkplaatshandboek voor uw Puch Maxi? Hier vindt U handleidingen voor onderhoud en reparatie van Puch bromfietsen. Ze bevatten gedetailleerde instructies voor het oplossen van problemen en het repareren of vervangen van onderdelen.

Puch Maxi N & S - A Compilation of 3 Major Overhaul, Repair and Maintenance Publications

A compilation of 3 major publications including:
(1) A reprint of the 1974 edition of 'The Book of the Puch Maxi'
(2) A reproduction of the 1977 Maxi factory 'Instructions Manual'
(3) a reproduction of the illustrated 1976 Rigid, Maxi, Maxi-S and Newport factory 'Spare Parts Catalogue'.
This is perhaps the most complete publication ever published for the overhaul, repair and maintenance of the Puch Maxi N and S models beginning with their 1969 UK introduction. The Maxi moped was sold in the US by Sears and JC Penney and in Canada by Bombardier.

While the primary focus of this manual is the single speed N and S models there were only minor mechanical changes made during the entire production run up through the mid 1980's and, as such, it will also be of use to owners of the later single speed models.

Please note that the reprint of the 'Book of the Puch Maxi' (originally published under the same title by R. H. Warring) is one of The Motorcyclist's Library series published in the USA by Floyd Clymer by arrangement with the original publishers, Pitman Ltd. of London, England.

Auteur:Puch, R. H. Warring
Uitvoering:214 blz, 21.5 x 14 x 1.1 cm, softcover
Illustraties:rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en tekeningen
Uitgever:Floyd Clymer / VelocePress (USA, 2021)
Boek: Puch Maxi N & S - A Compilation of 3 Major Overhaul, Repair and Maintenance Publications

Puch Maxi N & S - A Compilation of 3 Major Overhaul, Repair and Maintenance Publications

Taal: Engels

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Laatste update:29-04-2024