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Motocykle - Japonia: książki - historia i technika

Książka o motocyklach z Japonii? Znajdziesz tu książki o historii i technologii japońskich motocykli, w tym Hondy, Kawasaki, Suzuki i Yamahy.

Memorable Japanese Motorcycles 1959-1996

This beautifully photographed volume surveys the Japanese motorcycles which have helped steer the American cycling habit since the late 1950s.
Examples of first models, last models, and the most unusual Japanese machines to hit American shores are covered in detail with over 450 color photos and accompanying text. Almost every cycle shown is 100 percent original or has been painstakingly returned to its original form.

Autor:Doug Mitchel
Szczegóły:152 strony, 22.5 x 29 x 1.8 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:450+ kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Schiffer Publishing Ltd (USA, 1999)
Książka: Memorable Japanese Motorcycles 1959-1996

Memorable Japanese Motorcycles 1959-1996

Język: angielski

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Japanische Zweitakt-Motorräder - Die Straßenmodelle ab 250 cm³ Hubraum (Typenkompass)

Die japanische Motorradindustrie fing ganz klein und bescheiden an - das galt für die Hubräume wie für die verwendete Technik. Während sich die westeuropäische Motorradindustrie in den grösseren Klassen alsbald davon verabschiedete, legten die "Japaner" erst richtig los: Zwei-, Drei- und Vierzylinder, von 50 bis 750 Kubik - es gab praktisch nichts, was nicht angeboten wurde.
Die Literleistungen waren so gewaltig, dass sie Reifen, Fahrwerke und Fahrer überforderten.

Die Legende indes ist unvergessen: Suzukis unglaubliche Wasserbüffel, Kawasakis infernalisch kreischende Dreizylinder, Yamahas hoch kultivierte RDs mit Wasserkühlung - die Auswahl war gigantisch.

Autor:Frank O. Hrachowy
Szczegóły:128 strony, 20.5 x 14 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:2 zdjęć czarno-białych i 137 kolorowych
Wydawca:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2013)
Książka: Japanische Zweitakt-Motorräder - Die Straßenmodelle ab 250 cm³ Hubraum (Typenkompass)

Japanische Zweitakt-Motorräder - Die Straßenmodelle ab 250 cm³ Hubraum

Język: niemiecki

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Japanese Production Racing Motorcycles

As "Grand Prix Racing Motorcycles" explains, the Japanese did not suddenly become proficient in the design and development of motorcycles when they first appeared in Europe at the end of the 1950s.
Japan had been interested, involved even, with motorcycles since the beginning of the 20th century. True, early Japanese motorcycles copied Western design, a trend that continued for several years after the end of the Second World War.

The Japanese were very much their own men, designing a succession of highly innovative machines, and not just for the Grand Prix world's benefit. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Bridgestone and Tohatsu have all built racing motorcycles which were also available for purchase by the ordinary motorcyclist.

- Bridgestone
- Honda - the classic years
- Honda - the modern years
- Kawasaki - the classic years
- Suzuki - the classic years
- Suzuki - the modern years
- Tohatsu
- Yamaha - the classic years
- Yamaha - the modern years.

Autor:Mick Walker
Szczegóły:336 strony, 26.5 x 15 x 2.4 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:800 czarno-białych i kolorowych zdjęć
Wydawca:Redline Books (GB, 2003)
Książka: Japanese Production Racing Motorcycles

Japanese Production Racing Motorcycles

Język: angielski

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Japanese Grand Prix Racing Motorcycles

In the 1960s Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha battled for domination in motorcycle racing, providing a shot in the arm for a struggling sport since the withdrawal of British and Italian factories in the 1950s.
The Japanese contribution to GP racing was paramount in the 1960s and 1970s with many famous riders. This book sets out to provide a retrospective of GP racing as we await future developments.

- Early days
- Bridgestone
- Honda - the classic era
- Honda - the modern era,
- Suzuki - the classic era
- Suzuki - the modern era
- Tohatsu
- Yamaha - the classic era
- Yamaha - the modern era.

Autor:Mick Walker
Szczegóły:204 strony, 28 x 21 x 1.3 cm, twarda oprawa
Ilustracje:500+ zdjęcia czarno-białe
Wydawca:Redline Books (GB, 2002)
Książka: Japanese Grand Prix Racing Motorcycles

Japanese Grand Prix Racing Motorcycles

Język: angielski

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Japanese Custom Motorcycles - The Nippon Chop - Chopper, Cruiser, Bobber, Trikes and Quads

Focuseq exclusively on the Japanese motorcycle-based chopper, bobber, trike, and quad custom bike scene. Featuring stunning photography, this is a great book for Japanese bike fans, and fans of the custom bike scene in general. From singles, twins, triples, fours, and sixes - see the 'custom' side of Japanese motorcycles.

Strony książki Japanese Custom Motorcycles (1)

Autor:Ulrich Peter Cloesen
Szczegóły:128 strony, 25 x 25 cm, miękka oprawa
Ilustracje:180 fotografii
Wydawca:Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2013)
Książka: Japanese Custom Motorcycles - The Nippon Chop - Chopper, Cruiser, Bobber, Trikes and Quads

Japanese Custom Motorcycles - The Nippon Chop - Chopper, Cruiser, Bobber, Trikes and Quads

Język: angielski

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The Motorbike Book

The Motorbike Book

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Das Motorrad-Buch - Die grosse Chronik

Das Motorrad-Buch - Die große Chronik mit über 1000 Modellen

niemiecki | twarda oprawa | 320 str. | 2013

The Art of the Vintage Motorcycle

The Art of the Vintage Motorcycle

Serge Bueno, Gilles Lhote

angielski | twarda oprawa | 240 str. | 2020

Motorcycling in the '50s

Motorcycling in the '50s

Jeff Clew

angielski | miękka oprawa | 144 str. | 2017

Vintage Dirt Bikes Enthusiasts Guide

Vintage Dirt Bikes Enthusiasts Guide

Timothy Remus

angielski | miękka oprawa | 144 str. | 2015

[TK] Motorrader des Ostblocks: BG, PL, SU 1945-1990

Motorräder des Ostblocks - Bulgarien, Polen, Sowjetunion 1945-1990

Frank Rönicke

niemiecki | miękka oprawa | 120 str. | 2016

[RL] European Racing Motorcycles

European Racing Motorcycles

Mick Walker

angielski | miękka oprawa | 232 str. | 2000

< Szczyt >

Najnowsza aktualizacja:20-04-2024