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Barcos y yates a motor: libros - constructores y tipos

¿Un libro sobre barcos a motor o yates a motor? Encuentre aquí libros sobre los yates a motor de Chris-Craft, Purdy, Riva, San Marco y otros constructores.

Autoboote - Wie das Automobil zum Motorboot wurde 1865 - 1945

Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts erschloss die noch junge Automobilindustrie einen weiteren aufregenden Markt: die Fortbewegung auf dem Wasser. Autoboote hießen die mit Frontmotor ausgestatteten Gefährte, die ab 1900 durch spektakuläre Rennen auf der Seine und vor Monaco schnell populär wurden - um nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ebenso schnell wieder in Vergessenheit zu geraten.

Berühmte Hersteller waren für den Boom mitverantwortlich: in Deutschland etwa BMW, Daimler, DKW, Ford und Maybach. In Autobooten finden sich aber auch Motoren von Alfa Romeo, Austin, Chrysler, Duesenberg, Fiat, Hispano-Suiza, Isotta-Fraschini, Napier, Packard, Peugeot, Renault und vielen mehr.

Carsten Klink und Leif Rohwedder widmen dieses liebevoll gestaltete und mit ausschließlich zeitgenössischen und größtenteils unveröffentlichten Abbildungen illustrierte Buch der Entstehungs- und Blütezeit der Autoboote 1865 bis 1945.

Autor:Carsten Klink, Leif Rohwedder
Presentación:500 páginas, 24.5 x 22 x 4.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:1056 fotos
Editor:Karren Publishing (D, 2016)
Livre: Autoboote - Wie das Automobil zum Motorboot wurde 1865 - 1945

Autoboote - Wie das Automobil zum Motorboot wurde 1865 - 1945

Idioma: Alemán

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Vintage Outboard Motorboat Racing: An Illustrated History 1927–1959

Rev your engines for this outboard motorboat racing story covering the early years of the sport when water daredevils thrilled spectators across the country. Covers famous drivers like Marshall Eldridge, Fred Jacoby, Paul Wearly, Clint Ferguson, Hilda Mueller, Loretta Turnbull, Dick Neal, Frank Vincent, Bill Tenney, Gar Wood, Jr., and many more.

Race boats built by Jacoby, Neal, De Silva and Century are featured in historic photos, as well as the famous Johnson and Evinrude opposed firing racing engine built in the 1930s, and master mechanics like Walt Blankenstein, Dean Draper and Stan McDonald who kept them running long past their prime.
Take a walk along the shorelines of America's waterways and see what it was like to race small outboard boats during a Golden Age. Illustrated with archival photographs from the Rosenfeld Collection located at Mystic Seaport, along with over 200 historic images from private collections.

Autor:Bernie Van Osdale, Paul Wearly
Presentación:128 páginas, 1 x 1 x 0 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:230 fotos b/n
Editor:Iconografix (USA, 2012)
Livre: Vintage Outboard Motorboat Racing: An Illustrated History 1927–1959

Vintage Outboard Motorboat Racing: An Illustrated History 1927–1959

Idioma: Inglés

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Chris-Craft Boats - An American Classic

Since 1874, Chris-Craft has built boats of immense beauty that evoke an emotion and passion in all who see them. The varnished mahogany runabouts of yesteryear, and their modern sister-ships of today, all share the same design ethos, gorgeous lines, high quality, and style.
The name alone conjures up images of classic wooden boats, waving flags, and unforgettable memories made on the waves.

Immortalized on the big screen in such movies as On Golden Pond and Mission Impossible, the aura and romance of Chris-Craft shines through in this book featuring more than 200 boats from never-before-published archival images to gorgeous colour photos of collector and new boats as well as plans and ephemera from Chris-Craft s own collection.
A thoroughly researched and informative narrative brings the captivating 140-year story to life. This is the ideal gift for boaters, as well as the perfect book for any owner of a vacation home or lake house or those who aspire toward this American dream.

Autor:Nick Voulgaris III, Chris-Craft Boats
Presentación:224 páginas, 26.5 x 26.5 x 2.8 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:200 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Rizzoli International Publications (USA, 2018)
Livre: Chris-Craft Boats - An American Classic

Chris-Craft Boats - An American Classic

Idioma: Inglés

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Rocca, la légende française du motonautisme

Le chantier Rocca a été l'un des fleurons de l'industrie motonautique française entre 1950 et 1980. Près de 100 000 bateaux sont sortis de ses ateliers situés à Vitry-sur-Seine. Ces bateaux ont fait rêver des centaines de milliers de badauds se promenant au gré des foires et des salons nautiques.
Même s'ils n'ont jamais pu concurrencer les fameux Riva, leur performance et leur charme ont fait la joie de tous leurs propriétaires successifs.

Ce livre raconte l'histoire du chantier, mais aussi l'histoire d'une famille d'origine italienne unie par la même passion. Les passionnés retiendront principalement le nom d'Oreste Rocca, grand coureur, qui raflera tous les titres et sera la coqueluche des médias.
Ce livre est riche de nombreuses illustrations, photographies et documents originaux.

Autor:Valère Gaussen
Presentación:160 páginas, 29 x 24 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:300 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:ETAI (F, 2016)
Livre: Rocca, la légende française du motonautisme

Rocca, la légende française du motonautisme

Idioma: Francés

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Riva, prestige du yachting (2ème édition)

Riva est au bateau ce que Rolls ou Ferrari symbolisent en automobile. Comme l'extraordinaire ascension de la maison Ferrari dans l'Italie des années 1950, la légende Riva est née de la volonté d'un homme à l'énergie hors du commun.
Carlo Riva a transformé le petit chantier familial en un véritable mythe et ses superbes canots à moteur en acajou verni sont devenus l'apanage des grands de ce monde.

Jamais un objet d'art et de mécanique n'a représenté à ce point l'image de la "jet-set" avec ses stars de cinéma et ses familles princières admirées à Saint-Tropez ou à Portofino. En 1970, Carlo Riva a cédé sa place et les nouveaux dirigeants n'ont eu de cesse de poursuivre son œuvre grâce à la marque exceptionnellement prestigieuse qu'il avait créée.

Très convoité, le chantier Riva est même entré pendant dix ans dans le giron de Rolls-Royce avant de faire partie, du groupe de Norberto Ferretti devenu en janvier 2012 propriété du groupe Chinois SHIG-Weichai. Ses productions actuelles font revivre l'âge d'or du yachting dans un sillage de rêve.

Tous les modèles Riva, de 1946 à nos jours, dont 53 nouveaux bateaux dessinés entre 1970 et 2008 décrits et détaillés, font de cette deuxième édition, révisée et augmentée, un nouvel ouvrage de référence.

Autor:Gérald Guetat
Presentación:288 páginas, 31 x 23.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:350 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:ETAI (F, 2015)
Livre: Riva, prestige du yachting (2ème édition)

Riva, prestige du yachting (2ème édition)

Idioma: Francés

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Racing Cars of the Sea / Automobili del Mare : Cantiere Navale San Marco 1953-1975

Between 1954 to 1975, the Milan-based San Marco boatyard wrote some of the most interesting pages in the post-war history of powerboating. San Marco is the only yard that has extensively used Italian car engines for both its racing and production boats, including those of Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Fiat and Abarth.

The yard produced such models as the 600 Del Mare, Giulietta del Mare, Appia; all of them fast and prestigious wooden runabouts of elegant lines and refined details. Like a fashion designer or a famous Italian coachbuilder, for over 20 years Oscar Scarpa, founder of the yard, promoted a tradition of excellence, building with his son Sandro around 600 exclusive boats, each with unique specifications, either technical or aesthetic and beautifully finished.

The San Marco boatyard has also enjoyed a successful racing career, with more than 30 world speed records and hundreds of victories to its credit at the highest competitive level, often with Oscar Scarpa in the driver's seat.

The book is a tribute to the San Marco boatyard's unique contribution to the world of speed boats and cars and reviews its full history. The work is illustrated with a remarkable collection of hundreds of unpublished archival documents and photographs as well as detailed information, such as its extensive production and racing records.

Autor:Gérald Guétat
Presentación:192 páginas, 30 x 28 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:141 fotos b/n y 115 a color
Editor:Giorgio Nada Editore (IT, 2015)
Livre: Racing Cars of the Sea / Automobili del Mare : Cantiere Navale San Marco 1953-1975

Racing Cars of the Sea / Automobili del Mare : Cantiere Navale San Marco 1953-1975

Idioma: Inglés + Italiano

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Power Boating For Dummies

Power Boating For Dummies is a guide to power boating for both new and experienced boaters. It advises readers of necessary boating supplies, safety concerns and equipment, accessories, and includes locations of boating facilities, and how to safely pilot the ship.

Autor:Randy Vance
Presentación:384 páginas, 23.5 x 19 x 2.1 cm, tapa blanda
Editor:John Wiley and Sons Ltd (GB, 2009)
Livre: Power Boating For Dummies

Power Boating For Dummies

Idioma: Inglés

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Les plus beaux super yachts du monde

Les super yachts représentent le summum du luxe, du confort et d'une liberté sans limites. Matériaux choisis, concepts raffinés d'organisation de l'espace, lignes élancées et élégantes, ils offrent tout cela dans le respect dû à l'eau, au vent et à la météo.

Cet ouvrage très illustré présente les dernières tendances maritimes avec une sélection de 40 yachts à moteur, tous lancés ces toutes dernières années. Des images de très grande qualité illustrent ces bateaux fabriqués selon les techniques traditionnelles des chantiers navals, aussi bien que les visions avant-gardistes de designers célèbres et d'audacieux nouveaux venus. L'ensemble va des éco-yachts modernes aux bateaux de sport multifonction et aux méga-yachts de luxe.
Les plus beaux yachts du monde est une invitation à découvrir et explorer les rêves et perspectives maritimes du XXIe siècle.

Autor:Sibylle Kramer
Presentación:192 páginas, 33.5 x 23.5 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:450 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:ETAI (F, 2013)
Livre: Les plus beaux super yachts du monde

Les plus beaux super yachts du monde

Idioma: Francés

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Reeds Superyacht Manual (3rd Edition)

"Reeds Superyacht Manual", published in association with Bluewater Training, is the first and the best reference manual for everyone involved with yachts large and small, under sail or power, from deckhands to skippers and owners.

There is extensive coverage for leisure and professional yachtsmen including:
- key information for all required courses at all levels from STCW crew basic training through RYA Yachtmaster Offshore to MCA Officer of the Watch (Yacht)
- comprehensive treatment of: safety, sea survival, first aid, fire fighting, navigation, seamanship, meteorology, marine radio and general ship knowledge
- additional section on marine law including international and flag state requirements
- easy guide to the Collision Regulations as well as their full text

Well illustrated and user-friendly, this is the complete reference for all those involved with private or commercial yachts worldwide.

Autor:James Clarke
Presentación:408 páginas, 23.5 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:abundantemente ilustrado con fotos a color
Editor:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (GB, 2015)
Livre: Reeds Superyacht Manual (3rd Edition)

Reeds Superyacht Manual (3rd Edition)

Idioma: Inglés

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The World Water Speed Record - The Fast and the Forgotten

The quest for the Water Speed Record is one of the most dangerous, least forgiving and most unheralded of endeavours. Defined by the fatal crash of Donald Campbell in 1967 on Lake Coniston, it lacks some of the glamour of the land speed record, yet hundreds have made attempts over the years - many with spectacular and sometimes tragic results.

The first official record of 74 mph was set in 1920 in a boat elegantly called Miss America. Fifty-eight years later, the Spirit of Australia skimmed across the surface at over 317 mph, a speed still unsurpassed.
That small 243 mph increase in just under six decades pays little testament to the trials and tribulations endured by the likes of Campbell Snr and Jnr, Segrave, Don and Warby.

Whereas the land speed record has been beaten time and again by surprisingly large margins, the water version has been tougher and more pronounced, only being increased by percentages.

This book captures the burning desire and incredible single-mindedness that is needed to take on the elements and propel a craft across water faster than anyone before ... and for what glory?

Autor:Roy Calley
Presentación:208 páginas, 24 x 16 x 2.1 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:25 fotos
Editor:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2014)
Livre: The World Water Speed Record - The Fast and the Forgotten

The World Water Speed Record - The Fast and the Forgotten

Idioma: Inglés

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Otros libros en esta categoría:

[TK] Jollen - Die wichtigsten Klassen

Jollen - Die wichtigsten Klassen

Ralf Schaepe

Alemán | tapa blanda | 128 pág. | 2014

Dinghy Sailing - Start to Finish

Dinghy Sailing - Start to Finish

Barry Pickthall

Inglés | tapa blanda | 192 pág. | 2009

Multihull Seamanship - A A-Z of skills for catamarans

Multihull Seamanship - A A-Z of skills for catamarans & trimarans / cruising & racing

Gavin Le Sueur

Inglés | tapa blanda | 148 pág. | 2018

Rigging - Rig your boat right for racing or cruising

Rigging - Rig your boat right for racing or cruising

Danilo Fabbroni

Inglés | tapa blanda | 184 pág. | 2008

Total Loss - Dramatic first-hand accounts

Total Loss - Dramatic first-hand accounts of yacht losses at sea (3rd Edition)

Paul Gelder

Inglés | tapa blanda | 288 pág. | 2008

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Última actualización:29-04-2024