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Locomotoras de vapor: libros - historia, tipos y técnica

Libros ilustrados sobre la historia, modelos y técnica de las locomotoras de vapor.

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail

Since the birth of the railroads in the early Industrial Age, people everywhere have been fascinated by the locomotive as a powerful symbol of advanced technology and an exciting means of transport. From the early beginnings of steam power to today's awe-inspiring high-speed passenger trains, this book spans nearly two centuries of locomotive and railway development, and it also documents 95 outstanding railway journeys around the globe.

This book covers: the golden age of steam locomotives; the landmark engines; the railway pioneers; and the great train journeys. It is a comprehensive history and development of the train, from the great steam engines of the 1830s to the electronic speed trains of the present day.
It contains accounts of 95 of the world's most legendary railway journeys, including departure points and destinations such as Boston, Venice, Pretoria, the Khyber Pass, Darjeeling, Fuji, Sydney, Edinburgh and many more. It features over 1500 stunning photographs of locomotives in action around the world.

Páginas del libro Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail (1)

Autor:Colin Garrett, Max Wade-Matthews
Presentación:512 páginas, 22 x 17 x 3.1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:1500+ fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Anness Publishing (GB, 2014)
Livre: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail

Idioma: Inglés

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The Iron Horse : The History and Development of the Steam Locomotive

With the nineteenth-century enthusiasm for railways came a demand for everfaster locomotives that could haul greater loads than their predecessors. As different companies competed in what is now known as the 'steam era', the face of locomotives was changed forever.

The Iron Horse is an accessible and illustrated study of the development of the steam railway locomotive, from Trevithick, Hedley, Blenkinsop, Séguin, Stevenson and other pioneers to the ground-breaking analytical work of Chapelon and his disciples.
Here John Walter outlines the fascinating history of steam railway locomotives followed by a comprehensive and easy-to-understand directory based on the Whyte wheel classifi cation system.

Packed with images, diagrams and contemporary artworks, this wellresearched book will be indispensable to casual and serious enthusiasts alike.

Autor:John Walter
Presentación:144 páginas, 22.5 x 25 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:120 fotos b/n
Editor:The History Press Ltd (GB, 2016)
Livre: The Iron Horse : The History and Development of the Steam Locomotive

The Iron Horse : The History and Development of the Steam Locomotive

Idioma: Inglés

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Stromlinien-Dampfloks - Die internationale Enzyklopädie

In den 1930er Jahren hatte der Fortschritt einen Namen: Stromlinie. Windschnittig gestaltete Formen standen für Schnelligkeit, Kraft und Eleganz. Weltweit galt die Stromlinie bald als Synonym für Geschwindigkeit.
Ob Dampflok, Flugzeug, Auto oder Omnibus - alle erhielten eine windschnittige Außenhaut und prägten das Bild einer ganzen Epoche.

Ebenso einmalig wie die Stromlinie ist dieses Werk: In rund 30-jähriger Arbeit hat Anton von Hornstein eine Enzyklopädie aller jemals weltweit gebauten Stromlinien-Dampfloks geschaffen. Dabei zeichnet er die Entwicklung von den Anfängen vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis zu ihrem Ende in den 1950er Jahren nach.

Autor:Anton von Hornstein
Presentación:352 páginas, 26.5 x 23 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:500 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Transpress (D, 2020)
Livre: Stromlinien-Dampfloks - Die internationale Enzyklopädie

Stromlinien-Dampfloks - Die internationale Enzyklopädie

Idioma: Alemán

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Dampf in den Swinging Sixties - Als Europa noch dampfte

In den 60er-Jahren dampfte es noch fast überall auf den Schienensträngen in Europa und zwar dies- und jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Zahlreiche Dampflokfreunde, besonders von den britischen Inseln, bereisten den Kontinent und hielten das Ende der Epoche in einmaligen Farbaufnahmen fest.

Páginas del libro Dampf in den Swinging Sixties (1)

Peter Waller, Kenner der europäischen Dampflokgeschichte, hat selbst häufig von der Insel aus den Kontinent bereist. In diesem Bildband bietet er bisher unveröffentlichtes Bildmaterial aus einem britischen Bildarchiv, das die fotografischen Nachlässe vieler Freunde des Schienenverkehrs archiviert, digitalisiert und auf diese Weise der Nachwelt erhält.

Páginas del libro Dampf in den Swinging Sixties (2)

Autor:Peter Waller
Presentación:160 páginas, 26.5 x 23 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:220 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Transpress (D, 2020)
Livre: Dampf in den Swinging Sixties - Als Europa noch dampfte

Dampf in den Swinging Sixties - Als Europa noch dampfte

Idioma: Alemán

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European Steam in the 1970s

The abrupt decline of steam on British Railways in the late 1960s dealt a poignant blow to the myriad railway enthusiasts accustomed to the sensory allure and thrill of steam power.
While industrial railways in Britain offered a modest alternative, those yearning for main line steam experiences found solace by embarking on short journeys to the Continent. Across various European countries, steam endured well into the 1970s and even the '80s.

This illustrated book presents a rich visual retrospective, featuring an abundance of captivating and previously unpublished photographs from nations like Spain, Portugal, and Germany.

Autor:Paul Bryson
Presentación:96 páginas, 23.5 x 16.5 x 0.8 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:180 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2020)
Livre: European Steam in the 1970s

European Steam in the 1970s

Idioma: Inglés

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Mit Volldampf um die Welt - Dampflokpirsch mit Fernweh

Manchmal schnell, manchmal beschaulich ? so reiste es sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten noch in vielen Ländern auf der ganzen Welt mit der Dampflok.
Die Faszination der betagten Dampfrösser führte den Niederländer Edward H. Broekhuizen während dieser Zeit um den gesamten Erdball, die Ziele lagen in Afrika, Asien, Nord- und Südamerika, im Nahen Osten und in Europa.

Auf diesen Reisen entstanden eindrucksvolle Fotos der letzten Dampfloks auf fast allen Kontinenten. Die schönsten Aufnahmen wählte er für diesen Bildband, der an die letzte große Blütezeit der Dampflok erinnert, aus ? ein Muss für alle Dampflokenthusiasten.

Autor:Edward H. Broekhuizen
Presentación:176 páginas, 27 x 23.5 x 1.7 cm, tapa dura
Ilustración:200 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:Transpress (D, 2022)
Livre: Mit Volldampf um die Welt - Dampflokpirsch mit Fernweh

Mit Volldampf um die Welt - Dampflokpirsch mit Fernweh

Idioma: Alemán

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333 Dampfloks, die man kennen muss!

Was macht die Faszination Dampflok aus? Die schiere Größe der schwarzen Ungetüme? Die Dampffahnen? Der wuchtige Klang?

Was auch immer der Grund Ihrer Dampflokbegeisterung ist: Dieses Kompendium trifft sie. Es zeigt 333 Dampfloks weltweit: Schnellzugloks, Tenderloks, Schmalspurloks, bekannte und weniger bekannte Baureihen.
Mit allen technischen Fakten und geschichtlichen Hintergründen. Ansprechend und detailreich illustriert.

Autor:Karl-Wilhelm Koch
Presentación:288 páginas, 18.5 x 12 x 2.5 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:350 fotos en b/n y color
Editor:GeraMond Verlag (D, 2018)
Livre: 333 Dampfloks, die man kennen muss!

333 Dampfloks, die man kennen muss!

Idioma: Alemán

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The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 20th Century

Following on from his popular series examining industrial steam in regions of the UK, Gordon Edgar looks at a series of fascinating workings around the world during the final days of steam in industry.
Numerous globe-trotting trips in the latter part of the twentieth and early twenty-first century by the author, and other talented photographers, has produced a remarkable record of steam at work in locations as varied as Western and Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia.

With stunning, evocative photographs that capture not only the final days of these industrial workhorses, but also the atmosphere of the environments in which they toiled, including coal mines, quarries, steelworks, and sugar plantations, this is a fitting tribute to an important aspect of international industrial history. This first of two volumes focuses on scenes captured in the latter decades of the twentieth century.

Autor:Gordon Edgar
Presentación:126 páginas, 16.5 x 24.5 x 1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:150 fotos a color
Editor:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2022)
Livre: The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 20th Century

The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 20th Century

Idioma: Inglés

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The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 21st Century


In continuation of his well-received series on industrial steam in various UK regions, Gordon Edgar shifts his focus to the captivating global panorama during the concluding era of steam in industry.
Through extensive travels spanning the late 20th century and early 21st century, Edgar meticulously documented the compelling presence of steam in diverse settings worldwide - ranging from Germany, Austria, and Poland to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Cuba, Java, India, and China.

The book, enriched with arresting photographs, not only immortalizes the final days of these industrial workhorses but also encapsulates the ambiance of their laborious environments, encompassing opencast coal mines, quarries, steelworks, and sugar plantations.
Serving as a poignant homage to a crucial facet of international industrial history, the volume predominantly emphasizes scenes captured in the 21st century.

Autor:Gordon Edgar
Presentación:128 páginas, 16.5 x 24.5 x 1 cm, tapa blanda
Ilustración:150 fotos a color
Editor:Amberley Publishing (GB, 2023)
Livre: The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 21st Century

The World's Last Steam Locomotives in Industry: The 21st Century

Idioma: Inglés

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Otros libros en esta categoría:

Die Diesellokomotive - Aufbau, Technik, Auslegung

Die Diesellokomotive - Aufbau, Technik, Auslegung

Johannes Feihl

Alemán | tapa blanda | 309 pág. | 2016

Diesel Locomotives Around the World


Diesel Locomotives Around the World

Peter J. Green

Inglés | tapa blanda | 96 pág. | 2023

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Última actualización:29-04-2024