Ford USA Model T (1909-1927): Bücher - Geschichte und Modelle
Ein Buch über Ford USA Model T (1909-1927) Personenwagen? Entdecken Sie hier Bildbände über die Geschichte, Typen und Technik der Ford USA Personenwagen.
Ford Model T - An Enthusiast's Guide 1908 to 1927 (all models and variants)
'I will build a car for the great multitude' stated Henry Ford, and so he did. The Ford Model T, or the 'Tin Lizzie' and the 'Flivver' as it was also known, transformed American society, bringing mobility through car ownership to millions of middle-class Americans at a time when the horse and the railroad were the only real viable means of transport.
Using moving assembly lines and the best possible materials, between 1 October 1908 and 26 May 1927, Ford built around 16.5 million examples of this extraordinary car. By 1918, half of all cars built in America were Model Ts and by 1925 around 8,000 a day were being produced, making Henry Ford one of the world's best-known manufacturers of automobiles.
The selection of body styles varied from two- and four-seat open and closed models - tourers, town cars, runabouts, landaulettes and cabriolets - to vans and pick-up trucks, and customers could also have colours other than black!
This guide provides an insight into the design and construction of the Model T and many of its numerous variants, and the uses to which they were put, along with details of the background to Henry Ford himself and the car.
- The Model T Ford Story - background and development
- Anatomy of a Ford Model T - detailed insight with photographs and diagrams
- The engineer's view - with two leading experts, Chris Barker and Neil Tuckett
- The driver's view - description of controls and driving techniques
- The owner's view - first-hand accounts from five owners
- Competition history - including Indianapolis 500 and Le Mans 24-hours
- Endless varieties - including trucks, ambulances and army patrol cars
- Restoration - three UK-based specialists talk about their projects
- Adventures - trips to New Zealand and Ben Nevis in Scotland
Autor: | Chas Parker, Chris Barker, Neil Tuckett |
Ausführung: | 160 Seiten, 27.5 x 21.5 x 2 cm, gebunden |
Abbildungen: | zahlreiche farbige und s/w-Abbildungen |
Verlag: | Porter Press International (GB, 2021) |
ISBN: | 9781913089221 |
Ford Model T - An Enthusiast's Guide 1908 to 1927 (all models and variants)
Sprache: Englisch
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The Model T - A Centennial History
First rolled out in 1908 with an $850 price tag, the Model T Ford was the nation's first mass-produced, affordable, and versatile motor vehicle. It made Americans mobile as never before, spurred a revolution in manufacturing methods, and marked a sea change in automotive design and engineering.
Originally written for the centennial celebration of the Model T, Robert Casey captures the remarkable story of that car's history and development and of its long-lasting impact on America.
Here are the people who built the Model T and how, the folks who purchased it and why, and the profound technological leaps in mass production and mass consumption that we rightly associate with Ford's automobile.
Casey discusses how the car was designed, built, sold, and driven, as well as how owners tinkered with it. He describes the experience of driving a Model T and explains how a few engineering innovations-a one-piece cylinder block with detachable cylinder head, a clever flexible suspension system, the use of lightweight vanadium alloy steel-led to the car's reliability and popularity and spurred innovations across the motor vehicle industry.
Richly illustrated with archival photos from The Henry Ford Museum, "The Model T" is the definitive history of an iconographic piece of American technology.
Autor: | Robert Casey |
Ausführung: | 168 Seiten, 25.5 x 18 x 1.7 cm, kartoniert |
Abbildungen: | 102 s/w-Abbildungen, 8 Zeichnungen |
Verlag: | Johns Hopkins University Press (USA, 2016) |
ISBN: | 9781421421179 |
Ford Model T - All Models (1909-1927) - Essential Buyer's Guide
The Model T Ford is unique. In 1920, more than half the cars in the world were Model Ts, and when production ended in 1927, 15 million had been built. Thousands survive to this day, and there's a worldwide community of enthusiasts who enjoy the Ford's simple practicality, robustness, and affordability.
What's more, availability parts for cars and trucks is excellent.
This book has been written by two expert enthusiasts with more than 50 years' and tens-of-thousands of miles combined experience of the Model T. It describes all the many variants and changes, and even explains how to drive a Model T - different, but not difficult. It helps you decide exactly what sort of Model T you want, and what to look for when you go to examine one. More than 70 contemporary and modern photographs accompany and support the text and tables.
- Covers all Model T cars and trucks, including those built in the USA, Canada, and UK
- Answers the questions 'What exactly is it?' and 'What do I want?'
- Explores - and often explodes - the myths about the Model T
- Photographs of all the types, and details you will need
- Provides links and references to the Worldwide Model T community
- Explores rumours and myths of the Model T.
Autor: | Neil Tuckett, Chris Barker |
Ausführung: | 64 Seiten, 19.5 x 14 cm, kartoniert |
Abbildungen: | 70 Farbfotos |
Verlag: | Veloce Publishing Ltd (GB, 2017) |
Serie: | The Essential Buyer's Guide |
ISBN: | 9781845849917 |
La Ford T & A de mon père
S'il existe une hiérarchie dans l'histoire du développement panétaire de l'automobile de grande diffusion, la Ford modèle T, déclarée voiture du XXème siècle, se place indiscutablement à la tête de ce classement. Produite de 1908 à 1927 à plus de 16 millions d'exemplaires, elle a fait la fortune de son ingénieur Henri Ford, et a combattu avant quiconque la notion désormais périmée de l'automobile objet de luxe restant l'apanage des privilégiés de la fortune. Le vendredi 2 décembre 1927, la Ford Type A endosse la lourde responsabilité de se substituer à la mythique mais vieilissante modèle T.
Cette fois, le bureau d'études élabore le projet en partant d'une feuille blanche : il en résulte une machine autrement moderne en accord, tant au niveau du style que de la technique, avec la fin des années 1920. Henri Ford et son fils, Edsel, sont définitivement rassurés sur l'avenir de la nouvelle venue : 400 000 commandes sont rapidement enregistrées, et près de 5 millions d'unités passent les grilles de l'usine avant la fin de la fabrication en 1932.
Cet ouvrage retrace la carrière commerciale des voitures For T et A ainsi que les camions TT et AA, les différents modèles des catalogues, millésime par millésime, les carrosseries spéciales, ainsi que la genèse de ces deux machines, qui ont grandement marqué l'histoire de la Ford Motor Company.
Autor: | Patrick Lesueur |
Ausführung: | 120 Seiten, 21.5 x 24 cm, gebunden |
Abbildungen: | ca. 180 s/w-Abbildungen und 50 Farbfotos |
Verlag: | ETAI (F, 2002) |
Serie: | De mon père |
ISBN: | 9782726885680 |
Andere Bücher in dieser Kategorie:

Ford Model A - All Models (1927-1931)
John Buckley, Mike Cobell | Englisch | kartoniert | 64 S. | 2018

Henry's Fabulous Model A Ford
L. Henry | Englisch | kartoniert | 112 S. | 2014

Ford Model A - Collector's Originality Guide
Jim Schild | Englisch | kartoniert | 128 S. | 2009
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Jahre: 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927