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Camions Brockway : livres - histoire, modèles et technique

Un livre sur les poids lourds Brockway ? Découvrez ici les livres sur l'histoire, les modèles et la technique des camions et tracteurs Brockway.

Brockway Trucks 1948-1961 - Photo Archive

From its beginnings in 1912, Brockway earned a reputation for reliability and rugged design that was carried on after the company was acquired by Mack Trucks in October, 1956.
This collection of photographs highlights Brockways post-war years and into the early Sixties. Photographs from the Mack Trucks Historical Museum Archives.

Auteur :Thomas E. Warth
Présentation :128 pages, 21.5 x 28 x 0.9 cm, broché
Illustration :115 photos en N&B
Editeur :Iconografix (USA, 1996)
Livre : Brockway Trucks 1948-1961 - Photo Archive

Brockway Trucks 1948-1961

Langue : anglais

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Dernière actualisation :20-04-2024