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Voitures de course Brabham : livres - histoire et technique

Un livre sur les voitures Brabham ? Découvrez ici les livres sur l'histoire, les modèles et la technique des voitures de course Brabham.

Brabham Ralt Honda - The Ron Tauranac Story

Ron Tauranac has designed racing cars for over forty years and Mike Lawrence's book documents his work in detail - particularly with regard to Brabham, Honda and his own Ralt firm. It is a superb biography of one of the pivotal figures in motor sport. It provides an educational outing into the world of open-wheel race car productions.
Virtually anybody who was somebody in racing has made an appearance here. If you are looking to learn the truths of who, why and when, then this is the book for you.

First published by Motor Racing Publications in 1999.

Auteur :Mike Lawrence
Présentation :288 pages, 22 x 15 cm, broché
Illustration :abondamment illustré
Editeur :Brooklands Books (GB, 2011)
Livre : Brabham Ralt Honda - The Ron Tauranac Story

Brabham Ralt Honda - The Ron Tauranac Story

Langue : anglais

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Dernière actualisation :20-04-2024