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Alfa Romeo trucks: books - history, models and technology

A book on Alfa Romeo trucks? Here are illustrated books on the history, models and technology of Alfa Romeo trucks and tractors.

There are currently no books available (yet) on this subject.

Related titles:

Storia illustrata del camion italiano

Storia illustrata del camion italiano

Sergio Puttini

English + Italian | hardback | 128 p. | 1996

Automezzi italiani per i vigili del fuoco

Automezzi italiani per i vigili del fuoco

Condolo Massimo

Italian | hardback | 144 p. | 2005

Veicoli dei vigili del fuoco in Italia

Veicoli dei vigili del fuoco in Italia

Giuseppe Thellung, Luca Pacchioni

Italian | hardback | 158 p. | 2007

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Last update:26-07-2024